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1% for Orchid Conservation Update 31
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Hello All,

Summary of News:

1. Orchid Lovers of Trinidad and Tobago joins OCC
2. Orchid-gami
3. Orchid Conservation Grants upcoming Deadlines

1. Orchid Lovers of Trinidad and Tobago joins Orchid Conservation Coalition

The Orchid Lovers of Trinidad and Tobago was established in 2015 by a group of local orchid enthusiasts with the common goal of creating an organization that is fun, friendly, community minded and welcoming to all. MISSION STATEMENT: To advance and increase an awareness of orchid conservation, education and camaraderie to its members and the public, through shows, lectures and collaborative programmes and projects.


2. Orchid-gami

Cypripedium reginae Orchid-gamiThe United States Botanic Garden is working with the North American Orchid Conservation Center (NAOCC) to develop punch-out models of our native orchids for use in a variety of educational activities. The models are colorful and fun and designed to capture the imaginations of kids of all ages. They also provide information about the conservation status and ecology of the orchid and link to the NAOCC and Go Orchids web sites. We are developing 25 of these punch-out models that represent orchids from across North America and plan on releasing them in 2016.

We are excited to share this prototype of our first model, the Showy Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium reginae). This model is a full-color, two-sided pdf file that can be downloaded here and printed at home. Give orchid-gami a try and let us know what you think. Email NAOCC@si.edu us your comments and suggestions, and let us know if you have a favorite orchid to include in this project.

For the download of the prototype Cypripedium reginae:


3. Orchid Conservation Grants upcoming Deadlines

American Orchid Society Conservation Grants: August 1

New Hampshire Orchid Society Conservation Grants: Ongoing https://www.nhorchids.org/page-1579475

San Francisco Orchid Society Conservation Grants: August 1

San Diego Orchid Society Conservation Grant: September 1

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Mark Sullivan
1% for Orchid Conservation
Orchid Conservation Coalition
AOS Conservation Committee Member