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Conservation Newsletter Articles

The following articles can be used for free by orchid societies in their newsletters. The writers ask that they be notified when their articles are used by giving the following: name of article, name of orchid society, month and year of publication. Click on titles for articles.

Ideas and Tips on how to Setup an Orchid Society Conservation Committee HTML or PDF (237 KB)
“This article makes suggestions to help local orchid societies set up, run and raise money for an orchid conservation committee.” Writer Orchid Conservation Coalition

Prof. Rapeee SagarikOrchids Species and the Essence of Conservation HTML or PDF (41 KB)
“Those trying to impose rules and regulations, using arguments of conservation such as the conservation of orchids or whatever, upon local people without a proper perspective of care, concern and understanding of such people will invariably bring about results that are opposite than the results expected.” Writer Prof. Rapee Sagarik

exsitu conservation articleThe Challenges of Ex situ Orchid Conservation (188 KB pdf file)
or PDF Abstract Click Here (44.2 kb pdf file)
For a webage of the article click here
As orchids become extinct in their natural habitats, ex situ orchid conservation takes on greater importance. The loss of natural habitat will continue as humans exploit and develop land, divert water flow, and change the environment. Writer: Mark Sullivan

eriopsis biloba Reintroduction of native orchids into the wild in El Valle, Panama (97 kb pdf file) This project is an instrumental part of our orchid conservation strategy in El Valle. A widespread practice of wild orchid gathering among local people has dramatically diminished native orchid populations in this tiny Panamanian town and the surrounding mountains.

Orchid Conservation 2009 Wrap Up (28 kb pdf file) The article is a wrap of news of what happened with the Orchid Conservation Coalition in 2009.

cyp can paintingOrchid Habitat Loss, Preservation, and Restoration II (97 kb pdf file) If we are to continue to preserve remaining orchid habitats, our first efforts must be directed towards public outreach and education. People do not value what they do not know.
Writer: Kathleen Garness

arosellathumb.jpgArachnorchis (Caladenia) rosella Conservation (33 kb pdf file) There are only about 140 known Arachnorchis (Caladenia) rosella in the wild. They are found in two areas in the world near Melbourne, Australia. One of those habitat was slated for development.

Writer: text and photo by Dr. Randall W. Robinson

Platanthera leucophaeaCitizen Scientist, An Orchid Recovery Project (50 kb pdf file)
A recovery story about Platanthera leucophaea, the Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid.
Writer: Cathy Bloome

cypreginaewhitethumb.jpgOrchid Conservation (37 kb pdf file) Thanks to The Roosevelt Wild Life Station: https://www.esf.edu/resorg/rooseveltwildlife/
Why save orchids and their habitats?
Writer:  Cynthia Boesse with photos by Dr. Donald Leopold

dvogelsangiifiredamagethumb.jpgOrchid Habitat Loss, Preservation, and Restoration I (1.1 mb pdf file includes pictures) An introductory article on orchid conservation and the new habitat loss, preservation, and restoration section of the OCC featuring seven stories.
Writer: Orchid Conservation Coalition

Tree Fern as a Mounting (7 kb pdf file)
Tree fern has been used as a mounting for orchids for a number of years, especially once Osmunda fiber became more and more expensive and difficult to find. We have now reached the point where the demand for the product is endangering many of the slower growing species of this large fern.
Susan Taylor  (BellaOnline’s Orchid Editor)

Pollinating Cypripediums By Hand (158 kb pdf file) The pollen grows behind a shield like portion or “staminodium” above the area where it is placed to pollinate the flower to produce seed. Originally published in the Houston Orchid Society newsletter
Writer: Doug Harris 

An Introduction to 1% for Orchid Conservation
(10 kb pdf file) In situ orchid conservation and habitat preservation are the first line of defense for safeguarding orchid species for the future. Organizations that participate in 1% FOC commit to budget 1% or more of their net revenue towards in situ orchid conservation projects of their choice.
Orchid Conservation Coalition

Orchid Conservation Primer
(25 kb pdf file)
Orchid conservation is a very hot issue, as you might imagine, in the orchid community. Getting the first orchid of a new species and propagating it can bring enormous rewards.
Susan Taylor  (BellaOnline’s Orchid Editor)

Build a Species Collection
(23 kb pdf file)
As you become involved with growing orchids there will come a time when you will consider starting growing some species orchids. Fortunately they are now widely available from reliable dealers who produce plants from seed in the laboratory rather than the old fashioned way...
Susan Taylor  (BellaOnline’s Orchid Editor)

Orchid Conservation – Seed Banks
(23 kb pdf file)
In order to protect the biodiversity of the planet, there are a number of projects to collect and store seeds of plants around the world. These endeavors are called Seed Banks.
Susan Taylor  (BellaOnline’s Orchid Editor)

Orchid Conservation - Photographing Wild Orchids
(21 kb pdf file) But there is an even more insidious kind of destruction going on that I had not even considered: the habitat destruction caused by those of us who love our wild orchids to death.
Susan Taylor  (BellaOnline’s Orchid Editor)

Living Orchid Collection (9 kb pdf file)
The article is a introduction to the Living Orchid Collection (LOC). Grouping orchid collections together as a virtual single collection will be a stronger ex situ conservation effort than separate individual collections.
Orchid Conservation Coalition