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Orchid Habitat Restoration and Preservation

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acianthus leafAustralian Not In Flower Orchid Identification Charts and Information

Enviornmental Assessment for a proposed Development Site Australian

Arachnorchis rosellaArachnorchis (Caladenia) rosella Orchid saved May 2009
About 140 plants are left in situ in two habiitat spots. One habitat was up for development but is now up for sale. Both the Trust for Nature and the Dunmoochin Foundation are charitable trusts.

Arachnorchis pumilaArachnorchis (Caladenia) pumila - Back from Extinction
The plant is Arachnorchis pumila (syn. Caladenia pumila) and it has been rediscovered by a Victorian couple in the south west of the state. Read Alan Stephenson's full story and see a spetacular picture of this rediscovered orchid thought to be extinct.

SpeculanthaAustralia Orchid Trio Habitat for Danhatchia australis is steep leech infested rain forest but Acianthella amplexicaulis is Littoral Rain Forest/Bangalay Sand Forest, which means it is semi rainforest beside the ocean. The Speculantha parviflora habitat is completely different in that it is thin heath vegetation over sand stone rock shelf.

C nudiscapa

Corunastylis nudiscapa
A terrestrial orchid species thought to be extinct in Tasmania has recently been rediscovered.

Cryptostylis hunteriana

Heriitage Estate (and Nebraska Estate) Genoplesium baueri, Cryptostylis hunteriana, Spiranthes australis, and Speculantha ventricosa

replant teamFiona Stanley Hospital Terestrial Orchid Site
The Western Australian Government’s Environment Protection Authority wished to preserve some of the native vegetation for replanting on the site once the hospital was completed.


brokenhead pondBrokenhead Wetland Ecological Reserve
Soliciting donations to build a boardwalk and interpretive trail  Complete


ophrys iricolor daviesThe Orchids of Crete and their Conservation

The Greek island of Crete is botanically very rich, with a wide variety of habitats and a high level of endemism (approx.9%). However, conservation both of habitats and species has a low priority, especially in the current economic climate.


Orchid and Botanical Garden of the Ecuadorian Amazon Jardìn Botànico Las Orquìdeas
Orchid and Botanical Garden of the Ecuadorian Amazon
Owner Omar Tello and his wife began restoring the land by planting trees, but they soon discovered that the land would not permit trees to grow, as the soil was extremely sandy and lacking in nutrients, characteristic of much of the Amazon basin. However, using organic materials such as chicken manure and sawdust, soil conditions improved and native plants began to grow. Over the years, Omar began to collect orchids from logged forests in the region and transplanted them to the reserve.

Land Purchase picture
Jardìn Botànico Las Orquìdeas
Request for donations to buy land for reforestation and as a wildlife corridor.

Ex situ Conservation

exsitucon100.jpg The Challenges of Ex situ Orchid Conservation
What the words “ex situ orchid conservation” bring to the minds for most of us is the growing of orchid species plants in cultivation. It can also mean the gathering and saving of orchid seeds, and DNA. One goal of ex situ orchid conservation is to save a species ex situ as it disappears in situ. A further, though unrealistic goal for many species, is to reintroduce the species back into the wild.


Cyp parv. var. pub. Bluestem Farm, Wisconsin
When I bought our 80-acre farm (now 118 acre) eight years ago, orchids were not on my mind. I wanted woods to provide enough oak to warm our house during the winter and tillable land to start a nativeplant-seed nursery. I thought orchids were plants of unspoiled wilderness, not of old farms with overgrazed pasture, prickly ash and corn stubble.

arethusa bulbosa graham giles Carney Fen, WI
Wisconsin's natural communities provide habitat for approximately 50 native orchid species and over 600 state natural areas where many orchid species are found. I am involved with a small group of native orchid enthusiasts, Friends of Carney Fen, who uses several methods of orchid conservation including preservation, propagation and restoration of habitat locally and in the nearby Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

GROWISERGrande Ronde Overlook Wildflower Institute Serving Ecological Restoration (GROWISER), La Grande, Oregon The GROWISER native plant preserve was originally founded in 1993 as a non-profit corporation to preserve a pristine 160 acre site in northeastern Oregon. Included among the 190 native plants on the preserve, are nine orchids. It is hoped that the GROWISER model will be used to establish many more orchid preserves.

Julie PowelsonMonitoring orchids for conservation in West Virginia
Julie Powelson, an undergraduate biology major from Shinnston, WV who is working under the supervision of Dr. Katharine Gregg, Professor of Biology, West Virginia Wesleyan College, has recently become involved in several orchid field projects.

fireMyrtle Head Savanna, North Carolina
We have thinned out 10 acres, burned the north unit 2 times and the southern unit once. The response has been amazing. Where we opened up and burned, I have never seen so many Carolina Grass of Parnassus in on site.

North American Conservation Center

isotria medeoloidesEndanagered Orchids 2014 Gallery:

Go Orchids ( is a tool to explore orchids native to the U.S. and Canada. Go Orchids will initially focus on orchids in New England and the mid-Atlantic. Orchids of the southeast and Alaska will be added this year and all remaining orchids in two years.

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